2008年10月8日 星期三


1.physical 身體的
2.harmful 有害的
3.organisms 生物
4.volcanic eruptions 火山爆發
5.gasoline 汽油
6.Point sources 點狀汙染
7.identifiable 可證明的
8.smokestack 煙囪
9.industrial 工業的
10.drainpipe 排水管
11.exhaust 耗盡.用完
12.pipe 管
13.automobile 車
14.Nonpoint sources 非點狀汙染
15.dispersed 被驅散的
16.pesticides 農藥
17.fertilizers 底肥
18.lawns 草坪
19.disrupt 使分裂
20.nuisances 討厭的
21.steel mill 鋼鐵工廠
22.pollution prevention 污染預防
23.input pollution control 投入汙染管理
24.eliminate 排除pollution cleanup 污染的掃除
25.output pollution control 使出汙染管理
26.diluting 稀釋
27.relying primarily 首要依賴
28.temporary 臨時的
29.consumption 消耗
30.corresponding 符合
31.catalytic 催化劑
32.increases 增加
33.effectiveness 有效
34.approach 接近
35.toxic 中毒的
36.dumped 倒棄
37.seepage 滲流
38.emphasis 強調
39.forests are shrinking 森林在收縮
40.deserts are expanding 沙漠在擴大中
41.soils are eroding 髒亂正在腐蝕
42.rangelands are deteriorating 牧場正在惡化
43.lower atmosphere is warming 大氣溫暖化
44.glaciers are melting 冰河正在熔化
45.seas are rising 海平面上升
46.storms are becoming more destructive 暴風雨變得具有破壞性
47.fisheries are collapsing 漁業倒塌
48.coral reefs are disappearing 珊瑚礁將消失
49.extinct 熄滅了
50.environmental refugees are increasing 環境難民增加
51.discussed exponential growth 討論指數成長
52.Core Case Study 核心的專題研究
53.Poverty Has Harmful Environmental and Health Effects 貧瘠對環境有害和對健康有影響
54.equivalent 相同的
55.desperately 絕望地
56.prematurely 貿然地
57.malnutrition 營養失調
58.nutrients 營養素
59.nonfatal diarrhea and measles 非致命腹瀉和痲疹
60.limited access to adequate sanitation facilities 對充分衛生設施的有限的通入
61.feces 排泄物
62.severe respiratory disease 嚴重的呼吸疾病
63.Desperate 情急拼命的
64.livestock 家畜
65.social security 社會上的安全感
66.retirement funds 退休基金
67.Consequently 結果
68.World Health Organization 世界衛生組織
69.premature 比預期早的
70.ongoing human tragedy 持續人的悲劇
71.political will to act 政治上的行動
72.Beneficial Environmental 有利環境
73.developed 發達的
74.assumption 假定
75.fulfillment 完成
76.enormous 巨大的
77.Stretched 伸直
78.beyond 此外
79.Prices Do Not Include the Value of Natural Capital 價格不包括自然資本的價值
80.environmental worldview 環境的世界觀
81.environmental ethics 環境概念
82.environmental wisdom worldview 環境智慧世界看法
83.social capital 社會資本
84.Individuals Matter 個體問題
85.Scientific Principles 科學原則
86.biodiversity 生物多樣性
87.nutrient 營養的
88.cycling-lesssons 循環
89.Nature Reveals 自然顯露
90.survived 殘留
91.adapted 適應的
92.transition 轉變
93.summarized 總結
94.Reliance on solar Energy 對太陽能的信賴
95.photosynthesis 光合作用
96.astounding 令人驚奇的
97.ecosystems 自然生態系統
98.countless 數不盡的
99.Population Control 人口控制
100.competition 競爭
101.Nutrient Cycling 營養循環
102.scientific principles of sustainability 能永續的科學原則
103.revolution 革命
104.crucial 決定性的
105.path 途徑
106.realistic environmental vision 現實環境的憧憬
107.immobilizing 使停止流通
108.doom 毀滅
109.energize 使精力充沛

1-4~1-6 小節重點整理或摘錄

What Is Pollution and What Can We Do about It?

1.Pollution is any chemical or physical in the environment that is harmful to humans or other living organisms.

2.Point sources are singal, identifiable source.

3.Nonpoint sources are dispersed and often difficult to identify.

4.Pollution prevention, or input pollution control, which reduces or eliminates the production of pollution.

5.Pollution cleanup, or outpoint control, which involves clearning up of diluting pollutants after they have been

Why Do We Have Environment Problems?

1.Causes of environment problems:population geowth, unsustainable resource use, poverty, excluding environmental costs from market prices, trying to manage nature without knowing enough about it.

2.Pollution and environmental degradation have a severe impact on the poor and can increase poverty.

3.One such problem is malnutrition, or a lack of protein and other nutrition needed for good health, a second problem is limited access to adequate sanitation facilities and clean drink water,a third problem is severe respiratory disease and premature death from inhaling indoor air pollutants produced by burning
wood or coal in open fires or in poorly vented stoves foe heat and cooking.

4..Affluence and education have also helped reduce population growth in most developed countries.However, a downside to wealth is that it allows the affluence to abtain the resources they need from almost anywhere in the world without seeing the harmful environmental impact of their high-consumption life styles.

5.The prices of goods and services do not include their harmful environmental costs.

6.Governments give companies tax breaks and payments called subsidies to assist them with using resources to run their business. this helps creat jobs and stimulate economies, but it can also result in degradation of nature capital,because the value of the natural capital is not considered.
政府給稱補貼的公司稅斷裂和付款協助他們與使用資源經營他們的業務。 這幫助製造工作並且刺激經濟,但是它可能也導致自然資本的退化,因為自然資本的價值沒有被考慮。

What Are Four Scientific Principles of Sustainability?

1.We could make the translation to more sustainable societies by applying these lessons from nature to our lifestyles and economies, as summarized below: reliance on solar energy ,biodiversity(short for biological diversity), population control, nutrient cycling.

我們可能做轉變對可持續的社會通過申請這些教訓從自然於我們的生活方式和經濟,如如下被總結: 對太陽能,生物多樣性(短為生物差異),人口控制,營養循環的信賴。

2.Reliance on Solar Energy


4.Population Control

5.Nutrient Cycling
